
Company history

The company was founded by Dr. Peter Czerney and Dr. Matthias Wenzel as a spin-off from the University of Jena in 1999.

Dyomics relocated from the University labs and office in downtown Jena to the BioInstrumentation Center on the Beutenberg campus in late 2000, where it operated until January 2007. At present, the company has its labs and office in the Pharmapark of the Jenapharm GmbH facilities.

The prosperous development of our enterprise.was supported by the excellent infrastructure of the Jena area, comprising a large number of publically and privately held biotech institutes and companies dedicated to research and development, as well as investments of more than 1 billion EUR during the last few years.

As a high-tech enterprise, Dyomics was able to master the difficult first years in business, as well as the international economic crisis, with financial support from the Free State of Thuringia, the Federal government of Germany, and the European Union. In addition, the local venture capital company, DEWB AG, supported the foundation of the company and financed the seed phase of our enterprise. In 2005 ThermoFisher replaced DEWB as shareholder with Dyomics.

Dyomics has been successful in acquiring a broad customer base ranging from renowned universities to big pharmaceutical enterprises in recent years. The company generated more than 80 percent of its revenues abroad in 2020.

The success of the company is based on ownership of eight international families of patents, and on exclusive licenses.

The staff of Dyomics currently consists of four Ph.D. chemists, six technical assistants, and one financial administrator. In addition, academic Partners are working on studies of our products, generating new procedures, application notes, kits, and last but not least, impressive visual images of our dyes in action .

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Dyomics GmbH
Otto-Schott-Str. 15
07745 Jena


T.: +49 - 3641 - 64 68 64
M.: info@dyomics.com


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© Dyomics GmbH